Become a Volunteer

We are looking for volunteers to:

  • Help prepare meals – from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 11:30 am
  • Welcome our guests or help with table service – from Monday to Friday, from 12 noon to 2 pm
  • Take part in “Back-to-work” workshops to prepare CVs, application letters, practise interview techniques – on an ad-hoc basis

Are you interested?
Write to us at
or call us on 06 98 19 29 57.

Make a Donation

“La Salle à Manger can only succeed in its mission to provide a Community Restaurant and a Back-to-work programme for those most in need, if it receives donations from public institutions, corporate partners and individual donors.

Your donations allow us to keep the price of meals low and accessible to all.  Your support is also invaluable for the “Back-to-work” programme, providing professional support for our trainees on their path towards the world of work.

In concrete terms: 

20€* = a full meal for 1€ for a homeless person at La Salle à Manger

120€ = one day of training in the “Back-to-work” programme

Thank you!

*20€ might seem quite high, but remember that La Salle à Manger is a training restaurant and we employee three times the personnel compared to a regular restaurant.


La Salle à Manger can only exist with the support of Corporate sponsorship
(whether financial, in kind or volunteer support) from a range of companies, foundations and public bodies.
These donations help us finance meals in our community restaurant for people in dire need, provide professional guidance for back-to-work trainees, renew our equipment and run development projects.

If you like what we are doing at La Salle à Manger and want to support us directly, please enter your details below and we will contact you!

    Privatise “La Salle à Manger”

    Are you planning a family celebration, a team-building session, an art or gym class?

    La Salle à Manger can also be privatised for your group activities at competitive prices! Write to us at: or call us on: 06 98 19 29 57.

    Our partners

    We’re proud to showcase the brands who support us!