Who are we?

Our website homepage is: https://www.salleamanger.org.
La Salle à Manger, La Défense – 4 place Carpeaux – Paris La Défense –
92800 Puteaux
Telephone: 06 48 43 90 72 – Email: bonjour@salleamanger.org
Registration number, SIRET: 882 776 941 00016
Activity code, APE: 8899B
N# RNA: W922017456
Head of Publication: François Xavier DEBROSSE, President of the
Editor: Antoine de TILLY, Director of the Association
Illustrations: Joseph de Metz – www. josephdemetz.com
English translation: Elisabeth Hopkins, Laura Bakour and Louise Healy,
Provider: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France – website:


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omissions may occur and La Salle à Manger at La Défense cannot be held
liable for the exactitude or exhaustivity of the information published on the site.
Furthermore, La Salle à Manger at La Défense is not responsible for the
editorial content of websites to which it links, nor for their terms of access.